Friday, February 25, 2011


Each night Luke an Misha, the Youth Group Worship Coordinators conducted an all-group worship. Tonight's theme was Human Nature. Here are the questions used during a "power shuffle":

Do you believe human nature is inherently good?
Do you believe that there is more human cruelty in the world than kindness?
In the future do you see humans coming together more or becoming more divided?
In the future do you see people becoming more human or less human?
Do you believe that human nature is frightening?
Do you believe that humans are born with a clean slate?
Do you believe humans are always driven to achieve happiness?
Do you have faith in humanity?
Do you feel that trust must be earned in defy situation?
Do you think that drug abuse is associated with dissatisfaction in life?
Do you think processed thought is always better than instinct?
Do you feel that you rely more on instinct or on processed thought?
Do believe that you can make a difference?
Do you believe that you must help others in order to be avoid person?
Do you believe there is such a thing as doing service without getting anything in return?
Is it in your nature to trust others?
Do you usually concern yourself with other people's happiness?
Are you satisfied by living in the moment?
Do you embrace your fears?
Do you fear death?
Do you believe that life is a gift?
Do you believe that death is a punishment or a reward?
Do you believe that life is a quest to accept death?
Do you believe that faith is a way to live life or an aid to death?
Would you rather live in fear and die liberated or live in satisfaction and die with fear?

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